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Pinterest 图片模板

想制作停止滚动的 Pin 图和 Pinterest 广告吗?将 Shutterstock 设计师精心制作的 Pinterest 图片模板投入使用,然后观察这些分析的上升和上升。

How to make a Pinterest design
How to make a Pinterest design
1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor. 2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else. 4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
Make Pinterest images that stop the scroll
Make Pinterest images that stop the scroll
With millions of Pins and more being added every day, Pinterest is a crowded marketplace to say the least. Then again, you already have what you need to create Pins that attract eyeballs! Your "little red Pin" marketing secret is right here with Shutterstock Create. In just a few clicks, you can create a board that's branded, consistent, and gorgeous—thanks to designer-made Pinterest image templates you can customize with text, graphics, photo effects, and more. Whether you're sharing daily inspo quotes or envy-inducing lifestyle photos, you can create a whole mood with absolutely no design experience. Prefer total control? Then do it all from scratch with a blank canvas.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
使用 Shutterstock Predict,充分利用您的设计,对自己的创意方向充满信心。AI 会发现哪些图像最适合您的目标。创造性的见解解释了它们为何起作用。

Explore other templates

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching Pinterest images

pinterest covers cover

Pinterest Idea Pins: A Beginner's Guide

Build a narrative, create a cohesive look, and more—take the fast-track to success with Pinterest's new Idea Pins using this quick guide.

The Anatomy of Pinterest Board Design

The Anatomy of Pinterest Board Design

Create a board, add Pins, choose a board cover—rinse and repeat! Master Pinterest board design (including Pins and covers) with this no-nonsense guide.

11 Pinterest Ideas + 6 Essentials for Engaging Pin Design

11 Pinterest Ideas + 6 Essentials for Engaging Pin Design

In an endless feed with millions of Pins, only the best will stop the scroll. Learn how to create compelling Pinterest designs and get more clicks.

How to Create Pinterest-Worthy Recipes

How to Create Pinterest-Worthy Recipes

Good recipes equal good food blog. Learn how graphics, photography, and SEO also play a role in creating truly Pinterest-worthy recipes.

有关 Pinterest 的常见问题

我该如何在 Pinterest 上发帖?

根据你拥有的 Pinterest 账户的类型,在 Pinterest 上发帖的过程看起来会略有不同。如果你使用的是个人套餐,你可以点击右下角的+按钮,然后从你的设备上传图片。您还可以通过下载Pinterest的浏览器扩展程序来固定任何网站上的任何图像。如果你使用的是商业套餐,你可以点击左上角的创建来构建 Pin 图。无论哪种情况,你都需要确保你的 Pin 图图片引人注目,以便其他 Pinterest 用户也能看到并固定它。(为什么不从我们专业设计的 Pinterest 图片模板开始,在引人注目的图片部门站稳脚跟?)

如何在 Pinterest 上吸引关注者?

有上百万个关于如何玩Pinterest算法并吸引更多关注者的专业提示,但事实是,最简单的答案是最好的。为了吸引热情的关注者,请专注于创建人们想要保存和分享的有价值的内容。确保你的视觉效果吸引人(一张很棒的库存照片或插图可以成为救命稻草!)而且它们是根据与目标受众产生共鸣的内容精心挑选的。除此之外,最好定期与平台互动(创建原始 Pin 图、重新注册、加入群组等),并优化您的 Pin 图和个人资料以进行关键字搜索。

How do I make a Pinterest board?

To make a Pinterest board as a personal user, click the + button and choose Board. To make a board as a business user, click your profile, then Boards, and then Create Board. Easy peasy. Filling out your newly created Pinterest boards is equally easy, too...but before you go Pin-happy, it's worth giving a thought to strategy! Especially for Pinterest business users, a cohesive and well-curated board is key to capturing pinners' attention and getting them to hit that precious follow button. Make sure your boards fit into the same brand story even when using different types of content: images, rich Pins, videos, etc.

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