Certificates - Hero

Gift certificate templates

Certificates really are the gifts that keep on giving. Put together a frame-worthy design using Shutterstock’s gift and award certificate templates.

"1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor.
2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 
3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else.
4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?"
  1. 从上面的画廊中点击你喜欢的模板或空白画布,它就会出现在创建编辑器中。
  2. 是时候定制了:如果你愿意,可以更换照片和图形——添加自己的照片和图形,或者从我们庞大的图库中选择一张免费图片。
  3. 更改文本并添加投影、轮廓或颜色等文本效果。在其他任何地方,你都找不到这么好的文本工具。
  4. 下载您的设计。这是你的,永远免费。接下来要做什么,design pro?
We all have people in our lives who are total rockstars, so show how much you appreciate them by making them a frame-worthy certificate. Shutterstock Create's free certificate templates make designing gift or award certificates a snap with beginner-friendly design tools like paper textures and beautiful script fonts.
我们生活中都有完全是摇滚明星的人,所以通过让他们成为值得一帧的证书来展示你对他们的欣赏程度。Shutterstock 的免费证书模板使用适合初学者的设计工具(如纸张纹理和漂亮的脚本字体)使设计礼品或奖励证书变得轻而易举。
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.
使用 Shutterstock Predict,充分利用您的设计,对自己的创意方向充满信心。AI 会发现哪些图像最适合您的目标。创造性的见解解释了它们为何起作用。

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Watercolor Christmas Cards That You Can Make Yourself

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Everyone needs some recognition now and then. Design your own certificates with these easy tips and show the people around you how much you appreciate them.

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How to Create an Award Certificate in 5 Steps

Give your stellar performers the accolades they deserve. Check out examples and templates of award certificates to inspire your own awesome design.

Gift Certificates 101: Templates, Ideas, & Pro Tips

Gift Certificates 101: Templates, Ideas, & Pro Tips

Making your own gift certificates? Find out why they matter and what to include. Then get started with our free gift certificate templates.



在 Create 中打开礼券模板或空白文档,然后上传要添加到设计中的任何相关图形。例如,这可能是您的品牌徽标或与您的业务相关的插图。无论您是在空白文档还是模板中工作,都可以根据需要多次更改调色板,直到找到完美的组合。请务必留出空间来存放您的商家信息以及礼券所颁发的津贴或奖品。一旦你对设计感到满意,可以导出以打印或通过电子邮件和/或社交媒体共享。


在 Create 中打开空白文档或免费证书模板,开始设计您的获奖证书。上传您要添加的任何图像或图形,例如品牌徽标或签名。如果你使用的是模板,你可以保持颜色不变,或者你可以调整它们以完全匹配你的品牌或其他调色板。附上一两行副本,解释证书的用途以及收件人是谁(后者可以是空行,供你稍后手写姓名)。当你完成添加和移动元素并且对配色方案感到满意时,可以导出以打印或以数字方式共享。


如果您在家打印证书,只需从创建编辑器下载为JPG或PNG(专业版订阅者也可以下载为PDF)。打开下载的证书,然后转到屏幕顶部的 “文件”。选择打印-就这么简单。如果你想把它调高一个档次,大多数办公用品商店都会携带铝箔和浮雕的证书纸供你打印。如果您需要大量打印证书,这些办公用品商店通常可以接受印刷订单,商业打印机和某些邮件服务也是如此。

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