Etsy Shop Icon - Hero

为 Etsy 创建商店图标

不要满足于空白或无聊。使用 Shutterstock 的可自定义图标模板设计自己的 Etsy 商店图标。

How to make an Etsy shop icon
How to make an Etsy shop icon
1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor. 2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else. 4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
The perfect Etsy shop icon maker
The perfect Etsy shop icon maker
Small as they are compared to other branding graphics, icons play a huge role in growing brand recognition with your customer base. Create a shop icon for Etsy using the design tools and templates in Shutterstock Create and make your shop into a destination that buyers return to again and again.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
使用 Shutterstock Predict,充分利用您的设计,对自己的创意方向充满信心。AI 会发现哪些图像最适合您的目标。创造性的见解解释了它们为何起作用。

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching Etsy shop icons

How to Make the Perfect Etsy Shop Icon

How to Make the Perfect Etsy Shop Icon

The Etsy shop icon: small but mighty! Make the most of this tiny square with a step-by-step tutorial and 10 creative examples to inspire you.

Film Your Own Etsy Video Listings Like a Pro

Film Your Own Etsy Video Listings Like a Pro

Make your own Etsy video listings like a pro. Find video sizes, styles, and techniques in this quick guide.

Etsy Product Photography 101: Smartphone Tips

Etsy Product Photography 101: Smartphone Tips

Etsy images are the number one driver of sales. Take better Etsy photos on your smartphone with this guide to lighting, settings, edits, and more.

10 Etsy Banner Ideas and Tips for Your Storefront

10 Etsy Banner Ideas and Tips for Your Storefront

Lookng for inspiration for your Etsy shop banner? These Etsy banner types and themes that work for your storefront will get your creativity flowing.

有关 Etsy 商店图标的常见问题

正确的 Etsy 商店图标大小是多少?

当你处理较小的图像时,尺寸是特别重要的。你的 Etsy 商店图标应该是完全正方形的,为 500 x 500 像素。记得在屏幕尺寸不同的各种设备上检查图标文字或徽标大小。如果它太小而无法轻松阅读,请对其进行调整,直到您的客户一目了然地分辨出您的身份。

如何创建 Etsy 商店图标?

充分利用像 Shutterstock Create 这样的免费设计工具。打开 Etsy 图标模板或大小为 500 x 500 像素的新文档。从那里添加您的商店名称、徽标或其他图像,以便您的客户能够识别并与您的品牌相关联。调整完自定义设计后,将其保存并上传到您的Etsy卖家资料。

如何更改我的 Etsy 商店名称?

Etsy允许商店所有者更改其商店名称,但请记住,您只能有限次数地重命名商店。登录您的Etsy商店账户,然后点击商店经理。在此处,单击 “设置” > “信息和外观”。在这里,您可以找到您当前的商店名称以及允许您更改名称的按钮。输入您的新商店名称,然后保存。如果您没有足够的命名机会,但需要再次重命名您的企业,请联系Etsy客户支持寻求帮助。

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