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使用 Shutterstock 时髦的日历模板成为初级日历制作者。制作快速、时尚的设计,轻松跟踪业务和个人事件。

"1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor.
2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 
3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else.
4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?"
  1. 从上面的画廊中点击你喜欢的模板或空白画布,它就会出现在创建编辑器中。
  2. 是时候定制了:如果你愿意,可以更换照片和图形——添加自己的照片和图形,或者从我们庞大的图库中选择一张免费图片。
  3. 更改文本并添加投影、轮廓或颜色等文本效果。在其他任何地方,你都找不到这么好的文本工具。
  4. 下载您的设计。这是你的,永远免费。接下来要做什么,design pro?
Keep yourself and your family on schedule with our stunning, professionally-made free calendar templates. Make space for notes, to-dos with high and low priority, and extra boxes for the unexpected. Customize your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly calendars with positive affirmations, motivating quotes, images of your happy place, reward systems, and more with Create's graphics, text effects, fonts, and color options. No more waiting 'til the New Year for a new calendar — start a new resolution today and become the best calendar maker around.
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work. Win-win. Design with purpose and poise, every single time.
使用 Shutterstock Predict,充分利用您的设计,对自己的创意方向充满信心。AI 会发现哪些图像最适合您的目标。创造性的见解解释了它们为何起作用。双赢。每次都要有目的和镇定地进行设计。


Ready to take your calendar making to the next level? Leave no space for excuses with these fresh wall calendar ideas! Become your most productive self with this inspired tutorial.



Calendars don't have to showcase nagging commitments. Learn how to create a functional and fun design that encourages you to check off your accomplishments each day. Take a look.



Start anew each month with a fresh calendar design! Customize with seasonal or holiday themes, or find graphics and motivational messages to carry you through. We've got just the thing in this monthly calendar tutorial — see for yourself!

How to Make a Monthly Calendar for 2022

Start anew each month with a fresh calendar design! Customize with seasonal or holiday themes, or find graphics and motivational messages to carry you through. We've got just the thing in this monthly calendar tutorial — see for yourself!

Digital planners are the perfect way to form new habits by practicing consistency and self-commitment. If that sounds hard, don't sweat it! Start with these design tips that'll make it easy and fun for you to make those changes you want to make. Take a look.

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Digital planners are the perfect way to form new habits by practicing consistency and self-commitment. If that sounds hard, don't sweat it! Start with these design tips that'll make it easy and fun for you to make those changes you want to make. Take a look.



哦,我们最喜欢的问题!有大量的日历类型,但我们将命名为要开始的主线:每日、每周、每月和每年。还有季度、季度和半年日历选项。首先,决定什么对你来说最能引起共鸣。如果你是一个日复一日的人,那就让你的日历设计成为一个仪式化的过程。你可以打印一周的价值,这样你就可以在一天结束时对其进行自定义。如果你需要查看自己的一周来平衡孩子、晚餐和下车,那就马上把所有内容都规划出来 —— 这里没有判断力!日历的设计是有效的,所以不要咬得超过你能咀嚼的程度,因为它会破坏目的。


Create让使用个人照片或库存照片(我们有数百万张!)自定义日历变得如此简单。找到要自定义的首选日历模板后,只需删除背景图层即可。在右侧菜单中找到 “照片和视频” 选项卡,上传自己的照片或仔细阅读我们的照片。如果你想要一些额外的 pizzaz,你可以添加有趣有趣的图形,让你一整天都在微笑。如果你通常不是日历人员,那就用一种能激励你的方式设计你的日历人。你需要一些额外的正面强化吗?色彩鲜艳?一张你的宝宝微笑的照片?Create 设计世界就是你的牡蛎!


您的创作全部准备就绪,可以打印了吗?太棒了。为了方便起见,您可以在家中轻松打印。只需点击顶部工具栏上的下载即可导出日历。下载设计后,在 Mac 上选择 Command + P(或 “文件” > “打印”),或者像平时一样在 Windows 上选择 CTRL + P。在打印设置中,确保使用彩色打印,或者根据需要进行黑白打印。单击 “打印预览” 以确保您的创作对齐,瞧!生产力即将到来。

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