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我们中的许多人大部分时间都在室内度过。我们希望这些空间变得美丽是很自然的。感谢成千上万的才华横溢的贡献者定期将真实的室内图像添加到 Shutterstock 不断增长的图书馆中,您可以在不离开家中舒适地游览各种室内装饰。从复古内饰到现代室内设计,以及介于两者之间的一切,Shutterstock 都能满足您的需求。请继续阅读,了解如何最好地将室内影像整合到下一个项目中。


室内图像突出了室内空间中丰富的美感。从现代办公室内饰到经典厨房内饰,从简约的餐厅内饰到繁华的咖啡厅内饰,房间的内饰范围广泛。在 Shutterstock 的大量收藏中,既可以看到看起来像居住艺术博物馆的豪华内饰,也可以看到让人联想到童话般的小屋的舒适家居内饰。无论您是在为新网站寻找室内设计徽标,还是精心设计的家居室内设计来帮助销售您的家居用品系列,Shutterstock都一定会拥有完美的室内形象来满足您的需求。


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精心设计的室内视觉效果邀请观众直接进入。高分辨率、真实的咖啡厅内部可以使观众几乎闻到正在冲泡的咖啡的味道,而寒冷的拍摄效果很好 客厅里有噼啪作响的火焰可以激发舒适感和满足感。这样的视觉效果反映了一个人很容易想要找到自己的那种空间。也就是说,内部空间宽敞干净,装饰雅致,家具摆放得当。从某种意义上说,这些图像一言不发地谈到了潜力。它们提供了灵感,提醒我们什么样的空间是可能的,我们可以建造什么样的房屋或我们可能设计的办公室。


在选择高质量的室内视觉效果时,有助于牢记图像的目的。你想让你的图像为观众提供温暖而诱人的氛围吗?选择光线温暖的照片,基本上看起来好像夏日阳光照耀着。这是拍摄餐厅和家庭室内装饰的理想选择。如果您希望自己的图像具有时尚的现代外观,请选择凉爽的灯光。凉爽的灯光在色调上显得更白蓝色。这在豪华的室内图像和现代办公室内部的镜头中效果很好。 牢记摄像机角度也很有帮助。不同的角度对观众有不同的心理影响。特写镜头和微距镜头可将细节变成清晰的焦点,并为观众提供对场景的亲密观察。另一方面,如果您希望观众有扩展感和宽敞感,请使用具有广角视野的图像。


借助 Shutterstock 强大的搜索引擎和过滤器选项,找到完美的室内图像从未如此简单。只需在搜索栏中输入诸如 “汽车内饰” 之类的关键字,然后仔细阅读许多结果。要进一步缩小搜索范围,请应用一些可用的筛选器选项。只想看强烈呈现红色的图片吗?从 “颜色” 部分中选择红色圆圈。想要那张汽车内饰镜头中包含一名驾驶员吗?从 “人员” 过滤器选项中选择 “与他人共处” 选项。滚动浏览所有相应的照片、矢量图和插图,直到找到适合自己的照片、矢量图和插图。 找到了一张你喜欢的内饰图片,但想确保你有权使用该图片?为了安全起见,只需将图片拖放到 Shutterstock 搜索页面即可。就视觉内容而言,从光照到角度,您的图像结果都将与初始图像相似。




How to use images of interiors creatively

Use interiors images as print materials By placing glossy photos of your product beside interior images, you effectively inform your intended customers of the spaces in which they could reasonably expect to put your product to good use. Customers can easily picture themselves in these spaces and get excited about your product. Selling high-fashion dresses? An interior image of a theater that features a row of ornate, red velvet seats can get a shopper excited about wearing one of your gowns to an upcoming performance. Have handmade soaps and lotions for sale? Be sure to include high-resolution interior shots of bathrooms with gorgeous modern bathtubs and a clean aesthetic. Selling office supplies? Cover your bases by including shots of both home office interiors and modern office interiors, possibly with people who are seated comfortably at their desks and look as if the ideas are flowing. Use images of interiors for marketing campaigns Interior images can work wonders for any marketing campaign. Such images invite potential customers to imagine the sort of aesthetically pleasing spaces in which they might find themselves if using your product. If your company is in the business of selling home goods, for example, then high-quality images of home interiors are key. Want customers to get excited about your new line of candles? Include photos of wintry home interiors that show snow drifting down outside a window to inspire customers to bring a little light and warmth into their own homes with your product. In the vintage furniture business? Vintage living room interiors can get your customers excited to create their own classic home vibe. Selling artwork that would be perfect for a modern kitchen? Use photos of bright and beautiful kitchen interiors that have blank framed canvases hanging above the sink or table to hint to customers that your art would look perfect in such a space. Use interior images for business branding Use interior images on your business website to inform potential customers or clients of who you are as a business. Look for images that display the sort of space that aligns with the heart of your business. Where does your team do its best work? If you want to convey that your business is powerfully competent and tech-savvy, then an ultra-modern office interior that features a floor-to-ceiling window that overlooks a sprawling cityscape may be right for you. If, on the other hand, you want to emphasize your approachability and down-to-earth attitude, then a sunlit café interior that shows a diverse array of people working on laptops or writing at a meeting table may be just the thing. You can also get playful with this approach. If, for example, your business is a small accounting firm and you want customers to know that you are on their side, you could pair a restaurant kitchen interior that shows the arms of a chef as he rolls out dough with a creative caption such as, “We are ready to roll up our sleeves to help save you some dough,” (dough here being used as a slang term for money.)

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