Make Zoom background images in minutes


從工作會議到下班後聚會,Shutterstock 的 Zoom 背景圖像是任何虛擬場合的完美背景。

1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor.
2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 
3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else.
4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
  1. 從上面的圖庫中單擊您喜歡的模板或空白畫布,它將出現在創建編輯器中。
  2. 自訂時間:視需要更改相片和圖像,也可以加入自己的圖片,或從我們龐大的圖庫中選擇免費影像。
  3. 更改文本並添加文本效果,例如陰影,輪廓或顏色。您在其他任何地方都找不到這麼好的文本工具。
  4. 下載您的設計。它是你的,永遠免費的。接下來要做什麼,設計專業人士?
Lighthearted and fun or buttoned-up and on-brand, Zoom background images ARE the new normal! Forget those default backgrounds you see week after week and instead make your own with Shutterstock Create. Upload your own photos and doodle on 'em, insert stock assets of all stripes (illustrations, patterns, or photos, anyone?), and then add text and play around with fonts. Even with zero design know-how, you can do it all in just a few clicks. And if you'd like a little more help creating your funny Zoom backgrounds (or serious ones), we've got tons of creative templates to start with. You'll be Zoom room-ready in minutes.
輕鬆有趣或按鈕和品牌上,縮放背景圖像是新的常態!忘記一周又一周看到的那些默認背景,而是使用 Shutterstock 創建自己的背景。上傳您自己的照片並在他們上塗鴉,插入所有條紋的庫存資產(插圖,圖案或照片,任何人?),然後新增文字並使用字體。即使沒有設計專業知識,您只需單擊幾下即可完成所有操作。如果您需要更多幫助創建有趣的 Zoom 背景(或嚴肅的背景),我們可以從大量創意模板開始使用。您可以在幾分鐘內準備好 Zoom 房間。
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.
使用 Shutterstock 預測功能,充分利用您的設計並對自己的創作方向感到自信。AI 會發現哪些圖像最適合您的目標。創意見解釋了他們工作的原因。


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簡單!開啟快門建立,您就完成了。好吧,不是那麼容易,但足夠近。從縮放背景模板開始(如果您感覺超級有創意,則可以使用空白畫布!)。然後,您可以上傳自己的影片,或從數百萬個影片素材中挑選。如果您想要一些特別的東西,請在視頻頂部添加圖形和文本,然後將文件導出為 MP4。(請注意,「縮放」不允許 GIF 作為背景。)然後登錄 Zoom 並編輯您的個人資料設置以上傳動畫。完成(真實)!

What size is a custom Zoom background?

Technically speaking, you can use any size for your custom Zoom background; the Zoom platform does not have any specific sizing or dimension limitations. However, for the best results (AKA the best face forward in all those virtual meetings!), you'll want to upload an image with the same aspect ratio as your web cam. There are some exceptions, but by far the most common aspect ratio is 16:9. Any image with those same dimensions will work—and if you aren't sure, go with 1280 by 720 pixels (which you can set for any canvas in Create). If you want to be double-sure you're using the right size without tinkering around yourself, start with one of Create's Zoom background templates.

我可以將 GIF 製作為縮放背景嗎?

不幸的是,Zoom 不支持 GIF 文件類型-但是您絕對可以擁有動畫背景!您只需要選擇其中一種支持的文件類型:MP4 或 MOV(分辨率在 360p 和 1080p 之間)。如果您已經有要用於縮放背景的 GIF,則可以使用在線工具將其快速轉換為 MP4 或 MOV。如果你還沒有夢想中的動畫,可以在「創建」中製作,你可以直接從編輯器中選擇數百萬個素材資產,包括動畫。

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