Baby Shower Cards - Hero

嬰兒淋浴, 卡片, 樣板

使用 Shutterstock 的新生兒派對卡範本,讓鸛休息一下。這些可愛的(免費)模板可供您自定義為完美的新生兒派對卡或出生公告。

Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work. Win-win. Design with purpose and poise, every single time.
  1. 從上面的圖庫中單擊您喜歡的模板或空白畫布,它將出現在創建編輯器中。
  2. 自訂時間:視需要更改相片和圖像,也可以加入自己的圖片,或從我們龐大的圖庫中選擇免費影像。
  3. 更改文本並添加文本效果,例如陰影,輪廓或顏色。您在其他任何地方都找不到這麼好的文本工具。
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Free baby shower card templates for adorable DIY designs
There just might be nothing as amazing as bringing new life into the world. So, it makes sense that baby shower cards, shower invites, and birth announcements all deserve some special treatment. Shutterstock's free baby shower card templates offer the perfect base for sharing your excitement and wonder with friends and family.
Easy tools for compassionate design
使用 Shutterstock 預測功能,充分利用您的設計並對自己的創作方向感到自信。AI 會發現哪些圖像最適合您的目標。創意見解釋了他們工作的原因。


Modern + Cute Baby Shower Invitation Ideas

Modern and Cute Baby Shower Invitation Ideas

Looking for baby shower invitation ideas? We’ve got 10 adorable examples for any modern family, including gender-neutral designs and invites for couples.

Johnson's baby

如何通過 5 個簡單步驟創建嬰兒派對邀請卡


How to Create a Baby Shower Card in 5 Simple Steps

How to Create a Baby Shower Card in 5 Simple Steps

You're having a baby! Which means...you're having a baby shower! Which means...you need baby shower invitations! Which means...you need this tutorial! Check it out.

shutterstock 189429203

How to Make Your Own DIY Greeting Cards

No need to settle for a baby shower card or birth announcement off the rack. Share your joy with family and friends using these customizable card templates.




How do you make a baby shower thank you card?

Sometimes a pre-made card just doesn't capture your feelings quite right. When that happens, look for a baby shower card template or open a blank document in a design tool like Shutterstock Create. Now make the card a masterpiece when you upload your own artwork or images and change the card colors to anything you desire. Best of all, you can write your greetings to the bundle of joy and their parents (or your friends and family if you're the soon-to-be parent) until you get the wording just right. For a little extra pizazz, play with the design tool's fonts and find the perfect one to complement your design. Script fonts are particularly popular for baby shower cards, and add a handmade feel even to digital designs.


「絕對!走進任何一家藥店,你會在標有「寶貝」的部分找到淡粉色和柔和藍色色調的牆壁。留下無聊且可預測的大眾市場卡片設計,而是讓您的創意方面發揮您可以自定義的模板,直到它們正是您想要的。(如果碰巧包括一點柔和的粉紅色和淡藍色,請不要擔心。我們不會告訴任何人。) 印刷的 DIY 新生兒派對卡都非常迷人, 無論是送還是收到, 一旦您設計好您的卡片, 您就可以更進一步地進行客製化。工藝品商店和印刷店將擁有酷炫的卡片紙和精美的手工紙,讓您將卡片變成獨特而難忘的觸感體驗,值得添加到寶寶的記憶書中。猜猜派對結束後哪張卡不會在回收站中結束?」

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