YouTube Channel Art


Shutterstock 的 YouTube 範本可協助您在幾分鐘內製作精美的縮圖、封面和廣告,完全不需要任何設計技能。

YouTube Channel Art
如何為 YouTube 製作圖像
  1. 從上面的圖庫中單擊您喜歡的模板或空白畫布,它將出現在創建編輯器中。
  2. 自訂時間:視需要更改相片和圖像,也可以加入自己的圖片,或從我們龐大的圖庫中選擇免費影像。
  3. 更改文本並添加文本效果,例如陰影,輪廓或顏色。您在其他任何地方都找不到這麼好的文本工具。
  4. 下載您的設計。它是你的,永遠免費的。接下來要做什麼,設計專業人士?
No one's saying design is easy...no art form is. BUT (capitalization intended), Create's professionally designed trifold brochure templates can make getting the look you want as easy as it can be. And hey, you might even surprise yourself! Just choose your favorite design, then customize to match your brand and intention. Business brochure? Perfect. Product brochure? Absolutely. Event brochure? Sounds good. Make 'em all fast with templates, images, graphics, and effects. You got this.
DIY YouTube 圖形,讓您獲得這些點擊
攝影機創作讓您成為 YouTube,讓您擁有製作自己的 YouTube 橫幅廣告、縮圖、廣告等所需的工具。沒有設計經驗?不要流汗。Create 的在線編輯器非常簡單,任何人都可以在幾分鐘內掌握它。輕鬆模擬流行的輪廓風格縮略圖,或創建拼貼風格的靜態圖案,捕捉您素材中所有最美好的時刻。您可以從完美尺寸的 YouTube 模板開始進行快速簡便的過程,或者打開空白畫布並使任何想法栩栩如生。無論您從何處開始,都可以存取數百萬個庫存資產、出色的字體和一鍵式效果,讓您的 YouTube 資產看起來更專業。只有你知道是你自己做的
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.

製作引人注目的 YouTube 縮略圖的提示和技巧

How to Design an Engaging and Aesthetically-Pleasing YouTube Banner

How to Design an Engaging and Aesthetically-Pleasing YouTube Banner

Viewers decide whether your channel is worth watching. See what an aesthetic YouTube banner looks like and how to make one.

Create Reusable Backgrounds and Banners for Your New YouTube Channel

Create Reusable Backgrounds and Banners for Your New YouTube Channel

Every element of your YouTube channel plays a role in success. Find out more about creating a YouTube banner background and why it matters.

Too Many Design Tools, So Little Time

Too Many Design Tools, So Little Time

Solopreneurs know how overwhelming the DIY approach can be. Here’s what you need to know about choosing online design tools to build a brand.

Master Banner Size for Websites and Social Media



Frequently asked questions about YouTube images

什麼是正確的 YouTube 圖像尺寸?

「取決於您需要哪種 YouTube 圖片!這是一個快速指南: YouTube 橫幅/頻道圖片:2560 x 1440 像素。影片縮圖:1280 x 720 像素YouTube 頻道圖標:800 x 800 像素。影片介紹:優酷其它:1920 x 1080 像素.多媒體廣告:300 x 250 像素YouTube 顯示廣告長度:300 x 60 像素。YouTube 覆蓋廣告:480 x 70 像素。如果您是在「創建」中進行設計,則可以根據上面列表中最受歡迎的選項調整大小的 YouTube 圖像模板開始調整大小。不過別擔心,您可以自由裁剪任何範本至任何大小,輕鬆取得任何 YouTube 使用案例的像素完美影像大小。「

How do I design a YouTube banner?

To design a YouTube banner, start with a YouTube channel art template from Create. Or, if you're feeling extra creative, open a blank canvas and set it to the recommended size of 2560 by 1440 pixels. From there, it couldn't be easier to customize your channel banner! Choose from millions of stock photos and illustrated assets for the background, upload your logo, and then add some text for your channel name and tagline. If you don't have official branding yet, then simply give the TLDR of what you typically post and why someone might want to subscribe. (Or use Create to make your own logo, too.) Apply pro-looking graphic effects in a few clicks, and then export your creation for uploading to YouTube.

如何設計 YouTube 頻道標誌?

您的 YouTube 頻道徽標的實際設計非常容易。選擇一個 Create 的徽標模板,然後自定義顏色,字體,佈局等。有了數百萬種可用的圖形資產,您將永遠不會耗盡可能嘗試的東西!如果您需要一些想法才能開始使用,那麼請做專業設計師的工作:花一些時間搜索互聯網,保存您喜歡的不同徽標,並確定不同的設計模式以便在 Create 中嘗試。以下也提供專業秘訣:查看您的觀眾訂閱的其他 YouTube 頻道,看看哪個氛圍最能引起共鳴。當然,不要複製其他人的徽標-但絕對用它來讓自己的創造力升溫。

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