LinkedIn covers - Hero

LinkedIn cover templates

There's an easy way to level up your LinkedIn profile—no design skills needed! Create an eye-catching, professional cover by customizing one of Shutterstock's free templates.

How to make a LinkedIn cover
  1. 從上面的圖庫中單擊您喜歡的模板或空白畫布,它將出現在創建編輯器中。
  2. 自訂時間:視需要更改相片和圖像,也可以加入自己的圖片,或從我們龐大的圖庫中選擇免費影像。
  3. 更改文本並添加文本效果,例如陰影,輪廓或顏色。您在其他任何地方都找不到這麼好的文本工具。
  4. 下載您的設計。它是你的,永遠免費的。接下來要做什麼,設計專業人士?
Make a LinkedIn cover photo they can't ignore
製作一張他們不能忽視的 LinkedIn 封面照片
您將無法獲得第二次留下第一印象的機會,因此請使用專業的 LinkedIn 封面照片將自己定位為專家。除了這裡有一個小秘密:專業外觀不必來自僱用專業人士!使用快門創作中的 LinkedIn 封面相片範本,即使沒有經驗,也能讓自己成為設計專家。選擇一個模板或一個空白畫布(兩者都是像素完美的 LinkedIn 尺寸),然後使用令人驚訝的簡單工具來自定義每個方面。從數百萬種庫存資產中進行選擇作為背景,然後添加文本以將您的殺手級價值道具作為可認可的員工或商務大師。您已經擁有需要注意的工具,那麼為什麼要等待呢?
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
使用 Shutterstock 預測功能,充分利用您的設計並對自己的創作方向感到自信。AI 會發現哪些圖像最適合您的目標。創意見解釋了他們工作的原因。

製作引人注目的 LinkedIn 封面的提示和技巧

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What should my LinkedIn cover photo be?

LinkedIn cover photos give you the chance to add something extra to your professional profile—and there are all kinds of extras you could add! Some people use this space as nothing more than background, just to set a particular mood for their profile. Others use it to show off their design skills by featuring their own artistic creation or visual work. Still others use it to show solidarity with a cause they believe in, such as allyship or equal rights. Last but not least, another fantastic use of this space is as a direct call to action—perfect for consultants, coaches, or really anyone with a B2B sales funnel.

How do I change my LinkedIn cover photo?

To change your LinkedIn cover photo, log into LinkedIn. In the upper right corner, click the arrow under Me to open the dropdown menu. Then click View Profile. With your profile open, click the camera icon (if you've never uploaded a cover photo) or the pencil icon (if you currently have a cover photo but want to change it). If you already have a photo, then you can use the built-in tools to reposition it, adjust the zoom, or add a filter. If you don't have a photo yet, then select one of LinkedIn's default photos or upload your own—the one you just made in Create, perhaps?

What are the dimensions for a LinkedIn cover photo?

The correct dimensions for a LinkedIn cover photo are 1128 x 191 pixels. (FYI: the cover photo is also sometimes referred to as a "banner.") Whatever you call it, your LinkedIn cover photo is more than a background element. The smartest networkers use this space to reinforce their brand, highlight their skillset, and make a direct appeal or call to action. The cover photo may be narrow, but it's more than enough space to draw attention and make a compelling offer.

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