Pinterest Pins - Hero

Pinterest Pin templates

Personal or promoted, Pinterest content has never looked better. Start with a Pinterest Pin template from Shutterstock Create, customize, and pin down that pinnable look.

How to make a Pinterest Pin
  1. 上のギャラリーからテンプレートまたは空白のキャンバスをクリックすると、作成エディタに表示されます。
  2. カスタマイズの所要時間:必要に応じて、写真やグラフィックスを変更できます。独自の画像を追加するか、豊富なライブラリから無料の画像を選択できます。
  3. テキストを変更し、ドロップシャドウ、アウトライン、色などのテキスト効果を追加します。テキストツールは他の場所では見つけられません。
  4. デザインをダウンロードします。無料で永遠に利用できます。次は何を?
Pin-worthy designs without the work
Pin-worthy designs without the work
Recipes, lifehacks, DIY crafts, travel photos, fashion inspo, motivational mantras... On Pinterest, it ALL starts with the aesthetic—and that picture-perfect aesthetic? You guessed it — starts with Shutterstock Create. Make your Pins impossible to ignore by creating a cohesive set that's beautifully branded. You can jumpstart your board with a Pinterest Pin template, or you can create something totally from scratch. Upload your logo and use it as a watermark, layer text with an intriguing CTA or oh-so-clickable title, and then select from millions of built-in photos, graphics, and animations. It's all easy, it's all fast, and it's all YOU. No design experience needed.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Shutterstock Predictなら、デザインを最大限に活用し、クリエイティブディレクションに自信を持って取り組めます。AIは、目標に最も適した画像を見つけ出します。クリエイティブなインサイトが、その理由を説明します。


The Anatomy of Pinterest Board Design

The Anatomy of Pinterest Board Design

Create a board, add Pins, choose a board cover—rinse and repeat! Master Pinterest board design (including Pins and covers) with this no-nonsense guide.

11 Pinterest Ideas + 6 Essentials for Engaging Pin Design

11 Pinterest Ideas + 6 Essentials for Engaging Pin Design

In an endless feed with millions of Pins, only the best will stop the scroll. Learn how to create compelling Pinterest designs and get more clicks.

9 Pinterest Worthy Poster Design Ideas

Your Guide to Pinnable Poster Design Ideas

Learn how to come up with your own poster design ideas and see the process of bringing your idea to life in an online image editing tool.

How to Create Pinterest-Worthy Recipes

How to Create Pinterest-Worthy Recipes

Good recipes equal good food blog. Learn how graphics, photography, and SEO also play a role in creating truly Pinterest-worthy recipes.


How do I create an Idea Pin in Pinterest?

To create an Idea Pin, you must be a "Creator," which is Pinterest lingo for having a business account. The ability to create an Idea Pin is also restricted by location and may or may not be available in your country (although all Pinterest users worldwide can at least view Idea Pins). If Idea Pins are available to you, you'll find them by clicking Create and then Create Idea Pin. From here, you have tons of ways to build out your Pin, including Idea Pin exclusives like video recording, voice recording, or background music. Pinterest's mobile app is a great way to create an Idea Pin because you can directly record, edit, and upload videos to the platform.


個人ユーザーとして、Pinterestにピン留めする方法は2つあります。Pinterestブラウザボタンをダウンロードして、オンラインで見つけた画像をすばやくピン留めしたり、自分の画像や動画を自分のボードにアップロードしてオリジナルのピンを作成したりできます。Pinterestのビジネスユーザーの場合、後者はユーザーが利用する方法です(Pinterestではビジネスアカウントの「Pinの作成」と呼ばれています)。 ピン留めしたボードはすべて任意のボードに配置され、行くたびに新しいボードを作成できます。

How do I make a product Pin on Pinterest?

Product Pins are a type of "rich pin," which pull data automatically from a third party (like your website) and display it directly within Pinterest. To display your website products as Product Pins, you'll simply add a bit of markup code to the header of the website pages on which your products live. Some knowledge of code may be helpful here, but it really just involves copy-pasting—so it isn't too scary. After you've added Pinterest's code to your website, you'll run Pinterest's rich pin validator to confirm the set-up. Even better news for Shopify users: you can skip the copy-paste step and go straight to the rich pin validator.

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