Resume maker tools that help you get the interview



"1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor.
2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 
3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else.
4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?"
  1. 上のギャラリーからテンプレートまたは空白のキャンバスをクリックすると、作成エディタに表示されます。
  2. カスタマイズの所要時間:必要に応じて、写真やグラフィックスを変更できます。独自の画像を追加するか、豊富なライブラリから無料の画像を選択できます。
  3. テキストを変更し、ドロップシャドウ、アウトライン、色などのテキスト効果を追加します。テキストツールは他の場所では見つけられません。
  4. デザインをダウンロードします。無料で永遠に利用できます。次は何を?
Job hunting is a full-time job of its own, even without worrying about your resume. Whether you want a resume that surprises or one that's more traditional, Shutterstock Create is a job seeker's best friend. Start with one of our free resume templates—all designer-created for a balance of professionalism and pop—and you can start and finish in just a few minutes. Replace text with your own job experience, experiment with new fonts, add borders or other details...everything is easy to try (and equally easy to undo if you change your mind!). Play around until the layout highlights your qualifications, and then export a PDF. Create's resume maker eliminates the stress from this critical document so you can focus on acing the interview. Good luck!
Free resume templates, 100% customizable
Job hunting is a full-time job of its own, even without worrying about your resume. Whether you want a resume that surprises or one that's more traditional, Shutterstock Create is a job seeker's best friend. Start with one of our free resume templates—all designer-created for a balance of professionalism and pop—and you can start and finish in just a few minutes. Replace text with your own job experience, experiment with new fonts, add borders or other details...everything is easy to try (and equally easy to undo if you change your mind!). Play around until the layout highlights your qualifications, and then export a PDF. Create's resume maker eliminates the stress from this critical document so you can focus on acing the interview. Good luck!
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.
Shutterstock Predictなら、デザインを最大限に活用し、クリエイティブディレクションに自信を持って取り組めます。AIは、目標に最も適した画像を見つけ出します。クリエイティブなインサイトが、その理由を説明します。



Spoiler alert: it's not super-fancy fonts or cutting-edge layouts. Stick to the basics—and do 'em well—for a resume that stands out in all the right ways.

What Makes a Good Resume? 15 Tips & Tricks

Spoiler alert: it's not super-fancy fonts or cutting-edge layouts. Stick to the basics—and do 'em well—for a resume that stands out in all the right ways.

It's time for Name That Font, resume style! Get specific recommendations for highly readable fonts with just enough personality to land that dream job. Take a peek.

The Best Fonts for Resumes in 2022

It's time for Name That Font, resume style! Get specific recommendations for highly readable fonts with just enough personality to land that dream job. Take a peek.

New to job hunting? No problem. Learn how to format and design your resume for success, even when you're light on work experience.



How to Create Your Own Resume Online

How to Create Your Own Resume Online

Create your online resume in minutes with our tools and tutorial. Explore easy DIY examples and ideas for getting eyes on your resume.

Frequently asked questions about resumes

What types of things should I include on my resume?

There are a few standard must-haves for a successful resume: your name, educational background, previous work experience, and skills. If you have any relevant certifications or licenses, those are great to include, too. As you sort through all of those things that make you YOU (work-wise at least), try to view them through the lens of a recruiter. Avoid the temptation to list anything and everything about your professional self—instead, only include things that show why you're the best hire for this specific job.


米国のほとんどの採用担当者は、2ページ(最大)の履歴書を推奨しています。 その後、再度、あなたは10人の履歴書の専門家にこの質問を尋ね、10の異なる答えを得ることができます。履歴書の長さを考える際、最も重要な問題は次の点です。関連するものをすべて含め、それ以上のものは含めませんか?以前の経験を、現在の仕事の開始に直接関連するレーザーに焦点を合わせた箇条書きに変えることができるのが理想的です。重要な情報を失わないであなたの履歴書を短くすることができればそれを行いなさい。単に2ページいっぱいにするために、2ページいっぱいにする必要はない。長くて流暢な文書よりも、短く短い履歴書の方が良いでしょう。



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