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Make a standout logo

First impressions matter! Shutterstock's designer-made logo templates will help you make a statement instantly and show what your brand is all about.

How to make a logo
  1. 上のギャラリーからテンプレートまたは空白のキャンバスをクリックすると、作成エディタに表示されます。
  2. カスタマイズの所要時間:必要に応じて、写真やグラフィックスを変更できます。独自の画像を追加するか、豊富なライブラリから無料の画像を選択できます。
  3. テキストを変更し、ドロップシャドウ、アウトライン、色などのテキスト効果を追加します。テキストツールは他の場所では見つけられません。
  4. デザインをダウンロードします。無料で永遠に利用できます。次は何を?
The simplest online logo maker
The simplest online logo maker
Thousands of dollars for a logo design? No thanks. Brand your business your way by creating your own logo online in a matter of minutes. No one knows your vibe or your value prop like you do, and Shutterstock Create gives you the tools to bring your brand to life. Kick things off with one of our ready-made logo templates if you want to generate a logo online—free and fast—or start with a blank canvas that unlocks endless creative potential. Either way, it's exceptionally easy to build out this critical brand element using attractive fonts, awesome colors, and millions of amazing stock assets. You clearly have a business vision, so make your brand just as visionary! It all starts here.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.


Tips and tricks for making eye-catching logos


Announcing the Small Business Brand Kit

Have an amazing small business idea but don’t know where to start? We’ve got the guide for you!

Logo Design for Beginners: How to Create a Logo That Lasts

Logo Design for Beginners: How to Create a Logo That Lasts

Welcome to logo design for beginners. Find everything you need here, including easy-to-use tools to help you make your own great logo design.

From 0–60: How I Designed My Business Logo in Seconds

From 0–60: How I Designed My Business Logo in Seconds

Need a logo but no time to think? Here’s how I created a customized business logo in a minute flat using Shutterstock’s free templates.

5 Simple Logo Color Combinations That Go Well Together

5 Simple Logo Color Combinations That Go Well Together

Learn how to use simple logo color combinations to find a logo concept that brings your brand to life and start designing your own.

Frequently asked questions about logos


あらゆるロゴデザインプロセスの2つの基本は、研究と実験です。研究は、あなたが取る方向を定義するので、絶対に重要です。オーディエンス(何とつながりがあるか?)、競合他社(どのように表現するか?)、より広い視野(業界のトレンドに参加または対抗すべきか?)を調査したいと思うでしょう。 リサーチの過程で、気に入ったロゴや気に入らないロゴをメモしておきましょう。それをムードボードに貼ってパターンを見つけ、新しいアイデアを生み出しましょう。調べた後は実験の時間です。Createのようなプログラムを使用して、色、図形、フォントを使ってアイデアを実現しましょう。

How can I design my own logo?

There are lots of programs out there to help you design your own logo, and of course, we're partial to Create. Our online editor is free and easy to use, and it requires zero design experience to go from concept to creation. You can upload your own assets if you've sketched out a logomark already, or you can select from millions of stock assets to build out your design. (Yep, millions!) Customize each part of your design—font, size, color, layers, layout—until your logo is even better than you imagined.





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