Animation WOW comic pop up greenscreen
Animation WOW comic pop up greenscreen
AHHH Comic Text and Speech Balloon Animation, with luma Matte, Loop, 4k
A comic strip cartoon animation, with the word Ha Ha Ha appearing. Red and halftone background, star shape effect
OK Comic Text Animation, with Alpha Matte, Loop, 4k
A comic strip speech bubble cartoon animation, with the expressions Omg & Lol. White text, yellow shape, green background.
Comic animated exclamation point . Green screen


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간판은 MAKE UP이라는 글자를 단순한 그림으로 장식했다. 아름다움, 건강, 그리고 개인 치료에 대한 끝없는 반복된 오버레이. 매장의 광고 화면에 화면

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