Indonesia 1950s: Two men thresh rice in a field by a stamping on it. A woman tosses straw aside. A line of men unload a boat of coconuts and pile them on the shore.
1970s: men and women harvest wheat on hillside field, woman cuts wheat with scythe, man ties bundle of wheat, men throw bundles into large harvesting machine near tractor
1950s: People walk with donkeys, People harvesting in field. Men stand and speak
1950s: men with hats in wheat field inspect top of plants, talk, review papers and point as wind blows around research farm in countryside.
1960s: Man in field with dogs. Men load guns. Dog runs through field. Man smiles. Men hold guns, walk into field.
1950s: Feet stomp on rice plants. Men and boys stamp on and bundle grain. Men toss coconuts to each other.
1970s: Tractor driving. Men with machinery. Man pours seed. Hands put down can, pick up beaker of liquid. Plane sprays field. Man looks at wheat. Combine harvesting wheat.


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Numéro de la ressource de stock de type Vidéo : 1095891539

Les années 60 : Le tracteur traverse le champ de blé, et l'attache de la moissonneuse tourne. Le grain coule du tuyau vers la trémie. Les hommes utilisent des berceaux de céréales pour récolter le blé à la main.

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