Facebook Cover Photos - Hero

Facebook cover photo templates

Wow the masses with top-tier Facebook covers for any type of page. Make it all the beyond-easy way with our collection of custom Facebook Cover Photo templates and be the talk of the [Facebook] town.

How to make a Facebook cover photo
Come creare una foto di copertina di Facebook
  1. Fai clic su un modello o una tela vuota che ti piace, dalla galleria sopra, e verrà visualizzato nell'editor Crea.
  2. È ora di personalizzare: modifica le foto e la grafica, se lo desideri, aggiungi la tua o scegli un'immagine gratuita dalla nostra vasta libreria.
  3. Cambia il testo e aggiungi effetti di testo come ombre esterne, contorni o colori. Non troverai strumenti di testo così validi da nessun'altra parte.
  4. Scarica il tuo design. È tuo, gratis, per sempre. Cosa farai dopo, professionista del design?
Facebook cover photo customization to capture the real you
Facebook cover photo customization to capture the real you
Rally loyal Facebook friends and attract new ones with Shutterstock's Facebook cover photo maker. Zhuzh up any kind of profile — personal or professional — with a stand out Facebook cover template. Customize your design in a collage format to highlight your multidimensional self, add unique textures your favorite photo, or use one of our gorgeous stock photos to capture a particular vibe. Then, throw in some primo photo edits, graphics, and bam! Engagement, boosted. More, still? Add some text with Shutterstock's stunning fonts and text effects. Now prep for that Facebook fame and get ready to share all of your design secrets.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching Facebook cover photos

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

Want to know how to make a Facebook shop? Find all the requirements and details you need to get the ball rolling.

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

Selling on Facebook? Check out these 10 Facebook Shop examples to find out what successful brands—big and small—are doing to get more sales.

27 Birthday Cards Ideas to Try at Home

Come realizzare foto di copertina di Facebook di Halloween

La stagione spettrale è la stagione migliore. Festeggia tutte le cose che si scontrano nella notte con suggerimenti su come creare le copertine di Facebook di Halloween più inquietanti.

How to Create a Facebook Announcement

Come creare un annuncio su Facebook

Mettere la parola giusta su Facebook? Ti guideremo attraverso la creazione dell'annuncio perfetto per i social media, indipendentemente da ciò che stai cercando di annunciare e da come stai cercando di annunciarlo.

Frequently asked questions about Facebook cover photos

How do I change my cover photo on Facebook?

To change your Facebook cover photo, simply tap on the Edit cover photo button on the bottom right corner and select either Upload from your computer or Select photo from a pre-existing Facebook album. Once you have a couple Create masterpieces in your collection, you can make a Shutterstock album on Facebook to make your swaps easy!

What size is a Facebook cover photo?

The recommended size for a Facebook cover photo is 851 x 315 px. Other recommended specs include JPG format, less that 100 KB, and RGB color. After uploading your photo, you can also reposition the image to highlight different focal points.

How is a Facebook cover photo different from an event photo?

Facebook event photos are specifically designed for one-time or limited time uses, whereas cover photos have no expiration! Generally, event photos are used for professional purposes, whereas cover photos are used for personal ones. Cover photos capture your vibe for friends and family to appreciate. Event photos are marketing material. You wouldn't want to leave up an event photo beyond the day of the event, as that information won't remain relevant. With Create, you can make and store event and cover photos so that you're not limited to one option. If you have an event coming up, upload it a week or two in advance so your followers will see it. That way, people can share the event page link. Plus, since your newsfeed announces when you change photos, you'll increase traffic to your posts, page, and offerings. Win-win!

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