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Tee upeita Facebook-karusellimainoksia muutamassa minuutissa

Facebook-karusellimainosten avulla katsojat pyyhkäisevät vasemmalle eri kulmien ja tuotteiden suhteen. Korosta kokoelmasi Shutterstockin upeilla malleilla.

How to make a Facebook carousel ad
How to make a Facebook carousel ad
1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor. 2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else. 4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
Easy-to-use Facebook carousel ads for newbies and novices alike
Easy-to-use Facebook carousel ads for newbies and novices alike
Whether you're new to Facebook or know the ins and outs like the back of your hand, Facebook carousel ads make the (online) world go round. Got a collection of products you're looking to feature? Sport that Spring line, jewelry release, or new device upgrade with a collection of photos for your viewers to swipe through. Highlight different product angles and pertinent info with Shutterstock's easy-to-use Create Tool. Become your own graphic designer, photo editor, and social media marketer all in one with customizable text effects, graphics, textures, and editing tools to boot!
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work.

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching Facebook carousel ads

How to Create a Facebook Announcement

Kuinka luoda Facebook-ilmoitus

Hyvän sanan laittaminen Facebookiin? Opastamme sinut luomaan täydellisen sosiaalisen median ilmoituksen, riippumatta siitä, mitä aiot ilmoittaa ja miten aiot ilmoittaa siitä.

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

Selling on Facebook? Check out these 10 Facebook Shop examples to find out what successful brands—big and small—are doing to get more sales.

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

Want to know how to make a Facebook shop? Find all the requirements and details you need to get the ball rolling.

ig image sizes cover

Täydelliset Instagram-valokuvakoot vuodelle 2022

Tämä julkaisu on kattava oppaasi Instagram-valokuvakokoihin, ja sen avulla valloitat yhden internetin visuaalisimmista alustoista.

Frequently asked questions about Facebook carousel ads

Are carousel ads effective?

Carousel ads are as effective as the sky is blue! This form of marketing has been proven to increase traffic a whopping 10x in the span of just a couple of months. Now that you know the marketing tactic is effective, it's equally important to know that not just anyone who uses this method gets more traffic. Your stylistic choices are what make a quality ad, well, quality. So, have fun, always, but also be wise. Customize bold brand colors, add text, graphics, and our versatile text effects for stand out ads that drive people to your page for all the right reasons!

What size is a Facebook carousel ad?

The recommended image size for Facebook carousel ads is 600 x 600 px. You'll have up to 10 images you can feature in your collection, so choose wisely and feature your best product angles. You'll have limited space to describe your images, with 90 characters of text and a succint 40 for the headline. Make 'em count!

Kuinka minun pitäisi suunnitella Facebook-karusellimainos?

Helppoa! Millä tahansa haluamallasi tavalla - parilla logistisella recsillä. Luo on helppo upottaa dataan perustuvia trendejä pakottaviin mainoksiin tehokkailla tekstityökaluilla, tehosteilla ja tekstuurilla. Vaikka sinulla on vapaa hallituskausi rakentaa mallejasi - joko ennalta asetettujen mallien tai tyhjän kankaan avulla -, on tärkeää pitää kohdeyleisösi mielessä. Tyylivalintasi määräävät mainoksen tehokkuuden. Käytä erottuvia tuotemerkkivärejä rakentaaksesi tunnustusta ja harkitsemaan kuluttajan näkökulmaa. Mitä haluat heidän näkevän ja tietävän sinusta? Mitä voit tarjota heille? Jos pystyt vastaamaan näihin kysymyksiin mainoksessasi, Onnittelut! Olet tehnyt sen.

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