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Schedules - Hero

Aikataulu Maker pysyä järjestäytyneenä

Hanki säännöllinen aikataulu ja katsele elämäsi muutosta. Shutterstockin upeat aikataulumallit ovat graafinen tapa nähdä, kuinka aikasitoumuksesi sopivat yhteen - mukauta yksi juuri sinulle.

How to make a schedule
How to make a schedule
1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor. 2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else. 4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
Activate your inner schedule maker
Activate your inner schedule maker
Without schedules, life can look a mess. We can feel scattered, disorganized, and forgetful. Shutterstock's epic schedule templates were designed with this problem in mind. Whether you're trying the schedule life for the first time, or you can't live without one, our schedule maker makes it easy to honor your commitments, appointments, events, and obligations like never before. Simply pick your fave, customize it to your liking, and be on your way (and on time). Score! We now pronounce your life forever changed.
Make the most of your designs and feel confident in your creative direction, with Shutterstock Predict. AI discovers which images work best for your goals. Creative insights explain why they work. Win-win. Design with purpose and poise, every single time.
Kaunis visuaalinen omaisuus ja luova älykkyys
Shutterstock Predictin avulla voit hyödyntää mallisi parhaalla tavalla ja luovaa suuntaasi. Tekoäly havaitsee, mitkä kuvat sopivat parhaiten tavoitteisiisi. Luovat oivallukset selittävät miksi ne toimivat. Win-win. Suunnittelu tarkoituksella ja asenteella, joka ikinen kerta.

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching schedules

Ready to take your calendar making to the next level? Leave no space for excuses with these fresh wall calendar ideas! Become your most productive self with this inspired tutorial.

Toiminnallinen sisustus: Rakenna oma tyylikäs seinäkalenteri

Valmiina viemään kalenterisi tekeminen seuraavalle tasolle? Älä jätä tilaa tekosyille näiden tuoreiden seinäkalenteri-ideoiden kanssa! Tule tuottavimmaksi itsesi tämän innoitetun opetusohjelman avulla.

Calendars don't have to showcase nagging commitments. Learn how to create a functional and fun design that encourages you to check off your accomplishments each day. Take a look.

Toiminnalliset (+ hauskaa) kalenterityypit jokapäiväiseen käyttöön

Kalentereissa ei tarvitse esitellä kiusallisia sitoumuksia. Opi luomaan toimiva ja hauska muotoilu, joka kannustaa sinua tarkistamaan saavutuksesi joka päivä. Katsokaa.

Start anew each month with a fresh calendar design! Customize with seasonal or holiday themes, or find graphics and motivational messages to carry you through. We've got just the thing in this monthly calendar tutorial — see for yourself!

How to Make a Monthly Calendar for 2022

Start anew each month with a fresh calendar design! Customize with seasonal or holiday themes, or find graphics and motivational messages to carry you through. We've got just the thing in this monthly calendar tutorial — see for yourself!

Digital planners are the perfect way to form new habits by practicing consistency and self-commitment. If that sounds hard, don't sweat it! Start with these design tips that'll make it easy and fun for you to make those changes you want to make. Take a look.

How to Make a Digital Planner You'll Actually Want to Use

Digital planners are the perfect way to form new habits by practicing consistency and self-commitment. If that sounds hard, don't sweat it! Start with these design tips that'll make it easy and fun for you to make those changes you want to make. Take a look.

Frequently asked questions about schedules

How do I make a daily schedule for myself?

If you've never made a daily schedule before now, welcome to the club of productives. We're happy you're here. For the ultra-disciplined, craft one of our pristine schedule templates by the hour to time-block your day. This means planning when you get out of bed, get dressed, make breakfast, all your appointments, breaks, and to-dos. If that's not your vibe, you can divide your schedule into parts: daily goals, motivational mantras, appointments, errands, etc. If you don't get it all done, no sweat — it can carry over to your list tomorrow. Use Create's graphics and geometric shapes to help you create a particular system. Do you like checking things off your list? Put some checkable boxes on there! If you want things in list-format, that's available for you! However you envision your schedule, we'll help you make it happen.

Kuinka teen työaikataulun?

On hieno idea, että sinulla on useampi kuin yksi aikataulu, jotta voit erottaa henkilökohtaisen ammattilaisesta. Valitse vain Create-let-get-stuff-done -malleista ja mukauta mielikuvituksesi mukaan. Lisää hauskoja grafiikoita, kuten ”Office vibes” tai hyödyllisiä muistutusgrafiikoita, kuten ”Lue sähköposti”. Haluat tasapainottaa grafiikkaa, värejä ja muuta sisältöä, jotta et hukkua. Muistaa, olemme kaukana laillisesta alustasta ja lyijykynästä, joten voit myös tehdä siitä vaivan arvoista. Voit laatia aikataulusi tunnilta tapaamisten huomioon ottamiseksi, kokouksia, ja aikaherkät asiat. Tai, voit jättää tilaa tavoitteille päälle, taulukot korkean ja matalan prioriteetin kohteille, ja tilaa odottamattomille tehtäville, jotka tulevat esiin.

How do I make a study schedule?

Study schedules are critical for students, interns, and new hires alike. Got a test to pass or a quarterly assessment coming up? We've got you covered. Make a study schedule to incorporate breaks, food, and fun. If your test's in a week, use a daily or weekly study schedule. Map out your hours each day, or your study days each week in order to feel prepped. Customize your schedule with break times, light-hearted graphics, colors, and lists. Depending on how granular you want to get, you can even list the priority in which you conquer certain material. Maybe today it's textbooks and tomorrow you review past quizzes. The whole purpose is to make your study process digestible so you're not stressed 24/7. Good luck! Go ace it.

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