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Mainosten suunnittelutaitojen päivittämiseen ei ole parempaa aikaa kuin nyt. Viimeistele yksi Shutterstockin Facebook-mainosmalleista ja houkuttele yleisöäsi uber-ammattilaisella, klikkauskeskeinen mainos.

How to make a Facebook ad
How to make a Facebook ad
1. Click a template or blank canvas you like, from the gallery above, and it'll appear in the Create editor. 2. Time to customize: change out the photos and graphics, if you like — add your own or choose a free image from our massive library. 3. Change the text and add text effects like drop shadows, outlines, or colors. You won't find text tools this good anywhere else. 4. Download your design. It's yours, free, forever. Whatcha gonna make next, design pro?
Scroll-stopping Facebook ads hot off the press
Scroll-stop Facebook mainoksia kuuma pois lehdistön
Facebook-mainoksia tulee enemmän lajikkeita joka päivä. On helppo kääntyä ympäri, kun jongleeraat karuselleja, kuvamainoksia, Tarinoita, ja enemmän, puhumattakaan siitä, että sinun on todella luotava kaikki nämä mainokset. Virtaviivaista luovaa prosessiasi Facebook-mainosmalleilla Shutterstock Create -palvelussa, keskitetty palvelupiste kaikesta, mitä tarvitset vieritystä pysäyttävien mainosten tekemiseen.
Beautiful visual assets and creative intelligence
Kaunis visuaalinen omaisuus ja luova älykkyys
Shutterstock Predictin avulla voit hyödyntää mallisi parhaalla tavalla ja luovaa suuntaasi. Tekoäly havaitsee, mitkä kuvat sopivat parhaiten tavoitteisiisi. Luovat oivallukset selittävät miksi ne toimivat.

Tips and tricks for making eye-catching Facebook ads

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

How to Make a Swoon-Worthy Facebook Shop

Want to know how to make a Facebook shop? Find all the requirements and details you need to get the ball rolling.

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

10 Successful Facebook Shop Examples

Selling on Facebook? Check out these 10 Facebook Shop examples to find out what successful brands—big and small—are doing to get more sales.

How to Create a Facebook Announcement

Kuinka luoda Facebook-ilmoitus

Hyvän sanan laittaminen Facebookiin? Opastamme sinut luomaan täydellisen sosiaalisen median ilmoituksen, riippumatta siitä, mitä aiot ilmoittaa ja miten aiot ilmoittaa siitä.

Instagram Ad Design Guide for 2022

The Official Instagram Ad Design Guide

Over 1,000 photos are uploaded to Instagram each second. Here's how advertisers can make the most of their Instagram ads.

Usein kysyttyjä kysymyksiä Facebook-mainoksista

How do I make a Facebook ad campaign?

Use Facebook Ads Manager to set up and track your campaigns. This tool lets you determine your target audience, decide on a budget, create ad sets, and much, much more, all in one place. To create your campaign, open the main table in Facebook Ads Manager. Next, select Create to open the Create a Campaign menu. Here you can choose all the settings for your new campaign, ads, and ad sets. Once you finish making your selections, click Continue to open the editing window. This is where choose your campaign’s objective, your audience, and your ad format. Now click Publish to set your Facebook ad campaign in motion.

How do I make an ad shareable on Facebook?

Open Ads Manager and scroll down to the Instant Form section of the page. Open a new form, then click to the Settings tab. Now you will see the Form Configuration options that will let you choose what language your ad displays in and who you share the ad with. Select Open under the Sharing options menu. Now your customers can share your ad with their friends and family directly, which will help generate even more leads for your business.

How do I make the best Facebook ads?

Great Facebook ads start with solid research, clear goals, and irresistible copy. Begin by using Facebook’s Audience Definition tool to narrow down your audience into specific personas. This'll help you write targeted ads that are relevant and exciting to each of those unique personas. Your next step is to decide on the goal you want your ad to achieve, and to make that goal clear to the audience reading your ad. Use your Call to action (or CTA) to direct your audience to your shop, to sign up for your emails, to tag a friend in the comments, or any other objective you have in mind. Here is where your copy can really shine. Hook your target audience with short, sweet, high-value copy that’s upfront and easy to understand.

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