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CIRCA 1960s - European fur tradesmen begin to hunt buffalo in Native American territory (as depicted in 1966).
CIRCA 1984 - in this adventure film, Mayans are throwing balls of straw down a hill. As they roll over the hill snakes slither out.
CIRCA 1970s - Drawings and photos help explain that since the Mexican war, many army divisions have been trained at Fort Bliss.
CIRCA 1960s - After a successful hunt, Native American women and elders butcher the buffalo and eat its fresh liver (as depicted in 1966).
United States CIRCA Greece 1950s: Servant ties a donkey to a rough post. Man in a cape and boy approach the servant. The servant takes out bread and rolled leaves from.a hanging bag.
CIRCA 1988 - Countries around the world send relief to Ethiopia in the midst of a drought to help prevent famine.
CIRCA 1951 - In this western film, an outlaw is riding a ranger's horse and the horse runs to his master, ending in a shoot-out.


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Stock Video ID: 1071433498

CIRCA 1960s - Horses are introduced to North America, and plains Indians come to domesticate them (as depicted in 1966).

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