a man walks across a field. landscape field sun grass. Agriculture. green plants. sun glare on the horizon. farmer walking through the field. forms content lifestyle
a man walks across a field. landscape field sun grass. Agriculture. green plants. sun glare on the horizon. farmer walking through the field. forms content lifestyle
a man walks across a field. landscape field sun grass. Agriculture. green plants. sun glare on the horizon. farmer walking through the field. forms content lifestyle
a man walks across a field. landscape field sun grass. Agriculture. green plants. sun glare on the horizon. farmer walking through the field. forms content lifestyle
a man walks across a field. landscape field sun grass. Agriculture. green plants. sun glare on the horizon. farmer walking through the field. forms content lifestyle
agriculture. man farmer a agronomist feet walk green field of wheat grass crop. agriculture farming business concept. farmer silhouette walk sunset. agriculture healthy food farming business concept
farmer's feet walk across wheat field. an agronomist walks through wheat field. silhouette of farmer at sunset in wheat field. agronomist in rubber boots in wheat field. agricultural business concept


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Stok Video ID: 3456648375

a man walks across a field. landscape field sun grass. Agriculture. green plants. sun glare on the horizon. farmer walking through the field. forms content lifestyle

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