CIRCA 1984 - At a press conference, President Reagan speaks on the problems of inflation and high interest rates.
CIRCA 1984 - At a press conference, President Reagan speaks on maintaining an alliance with New Zealand.
CIRCA 1984 - At a press conference, President Reagan claims he has no plans to increase taxes.
CIRCA 1984 - President Reagan accuses Democrats of being irresponsible towards potential communist uprisings in central America.
CIRCA 1984 - At a press conference, President Reagan discusses lifting sanctions on Poland.
CIRCA 1984 - President Reagan outlines constitutional amendments that have been presented to Congress and accuses Democrats of holding them up.
CIRCA 1984 - At a press conference, President Reagan is asked about Geraldine Ferraro and shares his belief that women absolutely belong in politics.


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Stok Video ID: 1062067357

CIRCA 1984 - President Reagan shares his desire to simplify tax laws and reduce government spending that comes from increasing taxes.

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