Young woman making beauty and cosmetic tutorial video content for social media. Beauty blogger smiles to camera while showing how to beauty care to audience or followers. Adit
Family crisis and couple problem, stressful situation by financial problem, broke and bankruptcy risk. Frustrated and disappointment in marriage life lead to depression and divorce. Adit
Psychological consultation gaining improvement on mental problem, young patient doing therapy session while psychiatrist making diagnostic on mental illness. Mental treatment session. Adit
Young woman making beauty and cosmetic tutorial video content for social media using her boyfriend as model and light ring. Beauty blogger showing how to beauty care to audience or follower. Adit
Vulnerable stressful young patient release emotion from traumatic event, anxiety or mental illness to psychiatrist during mental treatment therapy in office. Psychological consultation session. Adit
Young woman making beauty and cosmetic tutorial video content for social media. Beauty blogger smiles to camera while showing how to beauty care to audience or followers. Adit
Psychological consultation gaining improvement on mental problem, young patient doing therapy session while psychiatrist making diagnostic on mental illness. Mental treatment session. Adit


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Идентификатор стокового материала (Видео): 3475206625

Young social medial content creator woman make fashion video. Blogger smiles to camera using selfie stick and light ring while making persuasive online clothing sell vlog to audience or follower. Adit

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