Automated Electronic circuit board production. High-tech.
Electronic Devices Production Industry. Fully Automated Modern PCB Assembly Line Equipped with Advanced High Precision Robot Arms at Smart Electronics Factory. Component Installation on Circuit Board.
Timelapse of Fully Automated PCB Assembly Line Equipped with Advanced High Precision Robot Arms at Electronics Factory. Component Installation on Circuit Board. Electronic Devices Production Industry
Metal machines working with cardboard boxes on a line at a plant.
Production of solar panels. Automated equipment at work inside the modern industrial plant. Aluminum
Advanced High Precision Robot Arms at Bright Electronics Factory. Fully Automated Modern PCB Assembly Line. Electronic Devices Production Industry. Component Installation on Circuit Board.
Robotic arm working in modern automobile factory.




Идентификатор стокового материала (Видео): 1106834665

Timelapse of Fully Automated PCB Assembly Line Equipped with Advanced High Precision Robot Arms at Electronics Factory. Semiconductor Production Industry. Component Installation on Circuit Board.

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