CIRCA 2010s - A montage of President Donald Trump speaking about a proposal that is pro-American, 2019
CIRCA 2020 - President Trump at the Marinette shipyard in Wisconsin expressing support for the military shipbuilding industry.
CIRCA 2019 - U.S. President Donald Trump and Melania Trump pardon Thanksgiving turkey at White House and celebrate the holiday.
CIRCA 2017 United States President Donald Trump announces leaving the Paris Climate Accord during a Rose Garden speech.
CIRCA 2019 United States President Donald Trump presents an award to the Conan, the Hero Dog, at a White House Ceremony.
CIRCA 2020 - U.S. President Donald Trump in scenes at the white house offering hope to victims of corona virus and promising the economy will rebound.
CIRCA 2019 - U.S. President Donald Trump and Melania Trump pardon Thanksgiving turkey at White House and celebrate the holiday.


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Идентификатор стокового материала (Видео): 1064387899

CIRCA 2020 First Lady Ivanka Trump unveils sculpture by Asian American artist Isamu Noguchi, White House Rose Garden.

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