1960 - The Kennedys, Nixons, Johnsons, and Ambassador Lodge are seen voting in the presidential election.
CIRCA 1950s - President Dwight D. Eisenhower arrives in France for a NATO meeting after suffering a stroke
Washington dc - 1951 - gordon gray is sworn in as the director of psychological strategy board.
CIRCA 1950s - A group of Catholic priests walk across Chesterfield field, homeless men warm themselves by a fire, and people enjoying a night out.
CIRCA 1960 - Photographers swarm a meeting between Vice President Nixon and JFK in this Iranian newsreel.
CIRCA 1920s - Defendant John Thomas Scopes and prosecutor William Jennings Bryan arrive, with crowds, for the Scopes Monkey Trial.
CIRCA 1951 - Despite resistance from the Soviet Union, a UN peace treaty is signed with Japan (narrated in 1952).


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Stock Vídeo ID: 1102994721

Circa 1940s - former brazilian military junta leader isaias de noronha greets new officials.

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