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Stock photos and royalty free images of interior walls

Walls provide shelter, protection from the elements, privacy, and the basic concept of walls has been around for thousands of years. It’s not an exaggeration to say that walls are all around us, from drywall to brick wall to wall tiles. Shutterstock’s selection of stock interior wall images are the work of thousands of talented contributors around the world. With lots of choice and variety, Shutterstock provides authentic visuals, including vector graphics and illustrations, in many different languages to serve customers around the globe.

All about interior wall images

A basic room contains four walls, but the material, texture, and look of those walls may differ. Walls are essential for shelter, but their use extends past the practical sense into design and aesthetics. Exposed brick walls in places like trendy coffee shops can set the ambiance, while wallpaper can do the same for living rooms. Images of interior walls can be used as a background for a photograph. Whether you’re looking for design inspiration or need an interior wall image to create an advertisement for a real estate agency, Shutterstock has a wide selection of interior wall stock images.

Trending interior wall images and backgrounds

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Questions about interior wall images and backgrounds

What is an interior wall?

As opposed to an exterior wall, interior walls don’t need to put up with water, wind, and dust. So they are more flexible in terms of building materials. One of the most widely available types of wall is known as drywall, which is made of fine gypsum powder that is pressed together between two pieces of paper. Drywall is affordable, and it can be textured or decorated easily, making it highly versatile for homes, offices, and other spaces. Interior walls are usually painted or decorated with wallpaper to fit the aesthetics or overall design of the room. Certain colors promote positivity, productivity, or calmness, while others make the room feel bigger or more spacious. Interior walls are also very useful to hang art, and they work as backdrops for a photo shoot.

What defines interior wall visuals?

Interior wall visuals are mainly defined by their inclusion of at least one interior wall, which is typically featured prominently in the image. Interior wall images with lots of negative space are popular because furniture designers and other home goods brands can add their products into the empty space via image editing software. Interior wall visuals, especially images, are designed by their creative use of furniture, which adds a pop of color and adds a sense of savvy interior design to the image. Also, many interior wall visuals feature blank white canvases, to which users can add any image they wish via image editing software. People can also be digitally added to images of interior walls, which make it appear as they are inside a house or place of work. If you want to change a person’s location in an image, using an interior wall stock image is a good option to do that.

How to choose quality visuals as wall interiors?

The type of image you need depends on the project, but there are some aspects you should consider when choosing an interior wall image. Interior wall images have a better visual quality when they are well-lit with a soft, diffused light. Images with a single texture, such as a brick wall or tiled wall, are simple, but the uniformity is sought after for use as a photography backdrop. Interior wall paneling images, for example, are well-lit and symmetrical, which are essential design elements used to captivate viewers’ attention. Interior wall images with eye-catching colors are good picks. Interior living room images with walls painted in aesthetically-pleasing colors are quality visuals that are sure to catch a viewer’s attention. Interior wall images are not typically shot on an angle and instead shot straight on.

How to find ideal images of interior walls?

Whether you’re looking for an image of a concrete wall, office wall, wall texture, or wallpaper, Shutterstock has exactly what you’re looking for. You can simply enter what you’re looking for in the Shutterstock search bar, and you can continue to narrow down the search by applying filters. If you’re looking for design inspiration, you can search for “wallpaper pattern.” If you prefer to see only wallpaper pattern vector graphics, you can select “Vectors” under the “Image type” filter. You can also use the filters to find an image with a color palette that better matches your project. When searching for a brick wall, you can select a color filter to view brick wall images that are not the standard brick red color. Also, Shutterstock suggests more specific terms under the search bar, in case you prefer to narrow your search.

What are the most popular interior wall visuals?

Interior wall images are varied because of the different building materials, textures, and colors of the wall. Each element changes the look of the wall and the look of the image. The most popular interior wall visuals creatively use negative space, which lets viewers fill in the space with their imagination. Negative space is a clever trick used by photographers to bring more attention to the objects in the rest of the image. Negative space also serves a purpose for image editors to add furniture, paintings, people, or other visual elements. Static interior wall images are popular because they can be used as a template or backdrop for photography. Interior wall images with brick, stone, and concrete are popular, as well as images featuring kitchen, office, and living room walls.

Browse interior wall images

How to use images of interior walls creatively

Using interior wall images in print It’s possible to use interior wall images in a variety of print products, including brochures, catalogs, magazine advertisements, and real estate flyers. When it comes to the home goods, home improvement, real estate, and furniture industries, there are many ways to use interior wall images. A hardware store that is advertising paint products services could use an image with walls painted in an eye-catching color to get the message across. Similarly, a real estate agency could promote their business with an image of a clean, aesthetically-pleasing image of a living room interior. Images can be a companion to a text that provides additional context and gives the viewers a visual representation of the product or service. Using interior wall images for websites Websites that use images look better, and they can help visitors on the webpage understand what services or products your website provides. Images are also helpful to break up long sections of text. You can use interior wall images for headers, thumbnails, and product images. With image editing software, you can place your products on top of an interior wall image. If you sell furniture, you can digitally add a couch or chair to an image of a living room. And artists can add their artwork to an interior wall image with a blank canvas to show how the artwork would look in a living room. Interior designers, real estate agents, contractors, and furniture sellers can all use interior wall images for their webpages. With Shutterstock’s selection of high-quality interior wall stock images, you can make your website look and feel professional. Using interior wall images for marketing Interior wall images can be used for various marketing campaigns and sale promotions. From brochures to web pages, interior wall stock images are great for marketing homes, furniture, and home goods. Real estate agents can use images of interior walls to sell homes or give potential clients an idea of the type of real estate properties the agencies deal with. Companies that sell paint, wallpaper, paneling, or flooring, can use interior wall images to give an example. Interior wall images are used in marketing all the time to sell a variety of home and office products. A consumer electronics company may digitally add one of their vacuum cleaners to an interior wall stock image, for example.

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