
Get more out of your images with an Enhanced license

The Standard License provides more than enough for most projects—but with an Enhanced Licenses you can do even more.

Take your projects further with an Enhanced License.

Unlimited reproductions

Print as much as you want, including books, magazines, posters, and more.


Use images on products for sale, such as t-shirts, water bottles, and other merch.

Video productions

Unlike Standard Licenses, you can use your image in any video, regardless of production budget.

Greater protection

Up to $250K legal indemnification per image, instead of the standard $10K.

Enhanced license

  • Unlimited web distribution

  • Unlimited print copies

  • Unlimited packaging copies

  • Unlimited out of home advertising impressions

  • Allowed in merchandising

  • Allowed on web templates

  • Video production of any budget

  • Decoration in personal and commercial spaces

  • Legal indemnification up to $250,000



What is an Enhanced license?

The Enhanced License provides much more useful capabilities and indemnification than our Standard License. For example, the Enhanced License allows the image to be used on merchandise, web templates, and decoration in commercial spaces. Visit our support center or contact us for more information.

How do I choose the right license?

For most Shutterstock plans, the default option is the Standard License. On-demand image packs, single-use Professional plans, and Team subscriptions include Standard Licenses. Enhanced Licenses can offer more options for large volume customers and organizations. You can get an Enhanced License with customized image packs if you want to use the content for distribution to a large audience or on merchandise. If you aren't sure which type of plan or license you need for your project, you can work directly with a Shutterstock customer service agent. With Shutterstock's library of royalty-free content and flexible license options, you can take your personal or professional projects to the next level.

Why would I need more indemnification?

Indemnification provides you greater protection to ensure the content obtained from Shutterstock was provided fairly as represented in our license agreement. Please check with your client whether they require a minimum indemnification coverage amount.

Can I transfer licenses?

You can use Shutterstock content for your clients, but our Standard and Enhanced Licenses do not allow for content to be transferred in whole to another party. That means you retain the right to use the content. If your client wants a new design or product using the content you licensed, the client would need to ask you to do the design, or license it independently. Our Shutterstock Enterprise licenses allow for the transfer of content. Learn more about our Premier license.

Are there any limitations on Shutterstock licenses?

Shutterstock licensed content cannot be used for logos, trademarks, sensitive use, or reselling without added creative elements without a custom license. If you need a custom license, please contact us.

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Shutterstock Enterprise
Need more than standard and enhanced license coverage? We offer professional-grade licenses to accommodate the most demanding projects.
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Exclusive rights
Need exclusive rights to an image? Contact our team of specialists and we'll get you set up quickly and easily.
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Ready to start doing more with your images?

Choose any one of our on-demand enhanced packs and begin downloading today.

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