CIRCA 1964 - Trotter Ayres wins the 1964 Hambletonian Stakes harness race.
1960s: Horses race around corner. Crowd cheers from stands. No. 7, Ayres, crosses the finish line and is crowned in the Victory Plaza as press watches. Title card: Remember to register to vote
1960s: Title: The Hambletonian. Horse racing in Duquesnes, Illinois. Large crowd in hats watch from bleachers. Pace car undoes gates in front of harness horses. Horses race as crowd cheers.
CIRCA 1950s - Ben Allen and the civilian visitors see a demonstration of Air Force fighter pilots and B-36 bombers at the Eglin Air Force Base.
CIRCA 1959 - A chariot race takes place.
1960s: Title card. Illinois state fairgrounds. Horse races on racetrack.
CIRCA 1940s - Cooperatives hold a festive celebration in a stadium.


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ID Video Stok: 1016570632

CIRCA 1964 - The Hambletonian race takes place at the Illinois State Fair.

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