The blue-chinned sapphire hummingbird on the aloe vera flowers - a slow-motion shot
Beautiful shiny sapphire hummingbird drinks nectar from the aloe vera flower - a slow-motion shot
The blue-chinned sapphire hummingbird drinks nectar from the aloe vera flower - an ultra slow-motion shot
Video of hummingbird flying and drinking nectar from a flower. Beautiful nature scenery.
The bananaquit on the yellow aloe vera flowers - a slow-motion shot
slow motion close up of a male talamanca hummingbird feeding on a crocosima flower at a garden in costa rica
a slow motion shot of a fiery-throated hummingbird flying up to fuchsia flower and starting to feed at a garden in costa rica


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The blue-chinned sapphire hummingbird drinks nectar on the morning - a slow-motion shot

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