Vertical slow-motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s walking around Gotanda Station, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter
Vertical slow-motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s walking around Gotanda Station, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter while operating her smartphone
Vertical slow-motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s walking around Gotanda Station, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter while operating her smartphone
Vertical slow motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s operating a smartphone around Gotanda Station, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter
Vertical slow motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s operating a smartphone around Gotanda Station, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter
Vertical slow-motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s walking around Gotanda Station, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter while operating her smartphone
Vertical slow-motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s walking around Gotanda Station, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter


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Stok Video ID: 3485267805

Vertical slow-motion video of a Japanese woman in her 20s eating churros in a park around Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo in winter 冬の東京都品川区五反田の駅周辺の公園でチュロスを食べる20代の日本人女性の縦長スローモーション動画

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  • 59.94 fps

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