Vertical medium shot of Caucasian female supermarket worker using smartphone and looking through receipts while counting store income after workday
mature woman housewife, housekeeper in yellow linen apron, efficiently cleans kitchen, maintaining clean and organized home, clean organized home source pride and satisfaction for homeowners
corpulent woman housewife, housekeeper in yellow linen apron holding pretzel, maintaining clean and organized home, clean organized home source pride and satisfaction for homeowners
mature full-figured woman, corpulent housekeeper wiping down kitchen counter, highlighting satisfaction takes in work and importance of cleanliness, division of household labor
mature woman housewife, housekeeper puts on yellow apron to clean house, efficiently cleans kitchen, maintaining clean and organized home, organized home source pride and satisfaction for homeowners
mature full-figured woman, corpulent housekeeper wiping down kitchen counter, highlighting satisfaction takes in work and importance of cleanliness, division of household labor
mature full-figured woman, corpulent housekeeper wiping down kitchen counter, highlighting satisfaction takes in work and importance of cleanliness, division of household labor


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Stok Video ID: 3454858709

mature full-figured woman, corpulent housekeeper wiping down kitchen counter, highlighting satisfaction takes in work and importance of cleanliness, division of household labor

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  • 29.97 fps

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