Wild nature disaster. Climate change consequences. Huge smoke plumes over wildfire burning dry grass in rural meadow aerial view
Natural disasters, woods covered in thick smoke...
Climate change, Agriculture burning release carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and other greenhouse gases (GHG) that contribute to climate change.
Aerial footage of a flared up woods covered in thick smoke...
Fire flame smoke forest controlled burn aerial video
wildfire aerial view. uncontrolled wild fire in forest area. wildfire smoke caisung air pollution. nature, environment, ecology, earth. global climate change concept.
Smoke rising from the charred remains of a fire creating artistic patterns on the scorched earth. High drone view


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Stok Video ID: 1037336813

Sigara içen vahşi ateşin epik havadan görünümü. Büyük duman bulutları ve ateş yayıldı. Orman ve tropikal orman yıkımı. Amazon ve Sibirya yangınları. Kuru ot yanıyor. İklim değişikliği, ekoloji, toprak

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  • 29.97 fps

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