

Are you the cream of the crop? This off-white hue looks amazing with just about everything. Named after everyone’s favorite dairy product, cream is actually a very pale yellow, with warm undertones that make it a versatile neutral. This color name was first used in the English language in 1590. Because it’s deeper and more subtle than white, cream is a popular choice for home color schemes. For a relaxing, monochromatic scheme that works with a modern, contemporary aesthetic, try pairing it with a warm dove gray. Punch it up with deep orange and red accents or stick to the script with hints of black. With pastels, cream has immediate appeal for fans of traditional farmhouse decor. Think lavender, pale pink, sky blue, lemon yellow and mint green. For a look that’s both classic and dramatic, go with deep blue, forest green or charcoal. This shade works as well in your wardrobe as it does in your home. To succeed, avoid wearing it with pure white. You’ll look instantly chic when cream is paired with camel, taupe and other brown-toned neutrals. Mix fabrics in different weights and textures for a trendy layered look that will keep you warm in the winter months. Sleek, tailored pieces in off-white are amazing when the weather heats up.


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