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Celebrate life with royalty-free birthday imagery

In many parts of the world, when it is your birthday, it is tradition to make a wish and blow out the candles on a birthday cake. If you are wishing for beautiful birthday imagery, you’re in luck. Thanks to thousands of talented contributors, Shutterstock’s immense library of birthday photos, vectors, and illustrations is sure to have the celebratory shot to make you smile.

About birthday images and pictures

Birthdays are a celebration of life, so it is only fitting that birthday imagery captures that celebratory spirit. Expect to see photos of birthday parties in full swing, complete with balloons, big smiles, and of course, mouth-watering birthday cake, as well as artistic templates for birthday invitations and birthday cards. Shutterstock’s curated birthday collection makes it easy to find exactly the sort of image to meet your needs. So whether you are celebrating a child’s 1stbirthday or a friend’s 50th birthday, need a birthday background or a happy birthday logo, Shutterstock is sure to have the birthday imagery to get the party started.

Trending birthday images and backgrounds

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Questions about birthday images and backgrounds

What are happy birthday images?

Happy birthday images are visual depictions of the annual birthday celebration. They may involve the textual message itself, with the words “Happy Birthday” iced onto a cake or surrounded by balloons. Such artfully designed graphics work well as banners and birthday card templates. If the text appears on a birthday card, then there may also be a lighthearted message such as, “Time to celebrate!” or “Make a wish!” Illustrations of birthday cake, flowers, gifts, or confetti are often included in birthday card designs. When birthday images feature people, the people generally appear joyous and festive. They may be wearing conical hats, blowing out candles on a cake, or enjoying the birthday party by dancing and laughing together. Party images may show children running around a backyard, multi-generational families gathered together in a living room, or friend groups out on the town for a night of dancing.

What makes birthday images and pictures memorable?

What could be more significant than the day a person comes into the world? It is the day when everyone’s personal story begins, a day we revisit only once every 365 days. It is only natural to want this annual celebration to be a happy, memorable one. To be surrounded by friends and family, celebrating life and love, and of course, eating cake, all make the day special. Birthday images reflect the joy inherent to such a day. Shots of a birthday party in full swing, with friends laughing in their conic hats, gleeful children throwing birthday confetti in the air, and candles burning on a beautiful cake, just waiting for the birthday boy to make a wish and blow them out, all show happy memories in the making.

What are the popular birthday images?

Popular birthday images include: Happy Birthday Wishes: This happy birthday text message comes in a wide variety of styles. From rainbow-colored block text to hand-written script, birthday wishes spelled out with icing on big birthday cakes to birthday candles in the shape of letters that spell out the celebratory message, Shutterstock’s library has every style of wish you could imagine. Happy Birthday Flowers: The gifting of flowers is a beautiful way to wish a friend a happy birthday. Illustrations of watercolor roses and wreaths that encircle a Happy Birthday wish, photographed bouquets with little handwritten birthday notes attached, and so much more can be seen in the Shutterstock library. Birthday Cakes: Pink cakes topped with rainbow sprinkles, cartoon cakes with many layers, even small cupcakes with a single celebratory candle can all get viewers licking their lips in anticipation of this traditional sweet treat. Birthday Cards: Giving a friend a birthday card filled with your wishes for a happy year ahead is a kind, heartfelt gesture. These cards come in every style, from silly and playful to elegant and sophisticated.

How can I pick an impressive happy birthday card template?

With Shutterstock’s powerful search engine at your fingertips, your wish for impressive birthday card templates can be granted within moments. Simply enter “birthday card template” into the search bar and explore the resulting artfully designed graphics. If you have a sense of the sort of design you would like to see, add other keywords to the search bar, such as “elegant” or “funny.” To further narrow your results, utilize Shutterstock’s various filter options. Want a birthday card that mainly features a light blue hue? Select that shade from the “Color” filter option. Looking for a template that appears in the traditional vertical format of most birthday cards? Select “Vertical” from the “Orientation” filter. If you know you want a card template that includes creative sketch designs, select “Illustrations” from the “Image type” filter.

How can Shutterstock help with birthday creative projects?

Shutterstock’s powerful search engine makes it easy to find all sorts of birthday imagery that you can personalize as you see fit. With over a million birthday card templates and designs for you to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect card for your upcoming celebration. Throwing a party for a child that loves animals? A jungle-themed card complete with elephants and monkeys, that reads “Let’s get wild!” is a fun way to share party details. Organizing a party for a 60th birthday? Black cards with golden marble designs instantly inform invitees that this will be an elegant affair. If you are designing your own card from scratch, take a look at Shutterstock’s happy birthday icons and vectors. Icons of birthday cakes, gifts, balloons, and streamers can all enhance your design.

Browse birthday images

Using birthday images in corporate projects

  • When it comes to in-office birthday celebrations, the imagery on birthday cards can be fun, but keep it tasteful and professional. You can get specific by using one of Shutterstock’s birthday card vectors that read, “Happy Birthday Boss,” or go with the tried and true, “Happy Birthday!”

  • If you will be celebrating the anniversary of your company, try personalizing one of Shutterstock’s artful birthday logos that state the number of years the company has existed, as well as the year it was started, with space for your logo to be added. This can then be displayed on a large banner or blown-up poster board at your event.

  • If you are in the catering business or otherwise involved in helping companies celebrate in-office birthdays or corporate birthdays, try including photos of office birthday celebrations on your website. A high-quality photo of a diverse group of office workers all wearing conical hats while gathered around a birthday cake will let your target audience know that you can keep the party fun and professional.

Using birthday images in corporate projects

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