
Orange Red

Orange red is a cross between red and orange, and falls between red and yellow on the color wheel. This color is exciting, playful, and energetic, and to many cultures orange red symbolizes health and vitality. Orange red is best complemented by the colors that lay across from it on the color wheel, meaning blues and greens. Combine this vibrant color with teals, emerald, olive, or sky blue to create a visually stunning space. If you want a combination that is softer and more feminine in nature, pair orange red with light pinks, grapefruit, and sand tones. When you pair it with yellows and purples, you can create a space with tones you would find in nature. When used sparsely and mixed with the right colors, orange red can work in just about any space in the home. Use it as an accent color in your kitchen, living room, bedroom, dining room, and bathroom. Because it packs a punch, you don't need to use a lot of it. Just a single piece in this vibrant color is enough to make a statement. If the exterior of your home lacks character, spruce it up by painting your front door orange red. Unlike red, orange red can be inviting, relaxing, and invigorating all at once. It’s an ideal accent color for a number of interior spaces.


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