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Sequence of shots of indonesian team of environmental activists volunteering picking up trash and toxic waste from beach area
Arc shot of four indonesian environmentalists strolling down polluted beach dragging trash bags with garbage helping to clean up area
Full side-view footage of four members of environmental community walking along coastline with garbage bags after picking up litter and homeless dog following them
Dollying full shot of group of cheerful energetic locals cleaning up messy polluted beach from trash picking it up talking and laughing
Back-view full footage of environmental protectors walking along beach dragging garbage bags full of plastic and waste helping to clean up coastline area
Front-view full footage of team of volunteers collecting plastic from beach for its further recycling and cleaning up coastline from toxic and garbage
Arc shot of indonesian volunteers working together while cleaning up area of polluted beach from such rubbish as plastic and waste


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Identificación del Video de stock: 1061969311

Captura de arco de cuatro activistas ecológicos indonesios con bolsas de basura caminando por la costa arenosa recolectando basura, desechos y plástico para su posterior reutilización, ayudando al medio ambiente

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  • 25 fps

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