
Deep Teal

Deep teal is a dark blue-green color that is deepened by black or gray. The name of the hue comes from the teal duck, which has a similarly colored stripe on its head. Teal is a bold, rich color and can add glamor to just about any space. Use teal liberally or sparingly throughout your home. Teal pairs well with neutrals such as black, white, cream, tans, and browns. Create a crisp, clean living room by accentuating white sofas and chairs with deep teal throw blankets and pillows. Soften the whiteness of the space with a tan armchair and a sand-colored rug. Frame the windows with drapes in a deep tan or light brown color. For a more playful space, paint the walls deep teal. Frame the windows in drapes of deep pink, tango pink, or coral. Add other accents of the same color throughout the room for cohesion. Add instant glam with gold, crystal and mirrored accents, and furniture with black framework. Deep teal, when paired with brick red, dark wood, and soft lighting, can help you achieve a warm, rustic vibe. This color combination would work well in your kitchen or bathroom. Bronze light fixtures can help soften the lighting and brighten the room at the same time. Deep teal is a beautiful, rich color that benefits any space.


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