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The term caviar, also called roe, is one used to refer to a variety of colors, including shades of orange, red, brown, black, and gray. Which shade the term refers depends on which species of fish the caviar comes from. For example, white trout caviar is orange, while the caviar from Osetra is grayish brown. However, beluga caviar, which comes from the sturgeon, is grayish-silver with hints of black. If you find the color caviar that is golden yellow, the manufacturer took its cues from the whitefish. Red or orange derives either from the salmon or carp. How and where you use caviar and with which other colors really depends on which fish a manufacturer was inspired by. For instance, if you find caviar of the golden yellow variety, pair it with other colors found in nature such as blues, greens, reds, browns, and purples. Doing so will give your space an airy and inviting feel. If, however, the color was inspired by the graying-silver roe of the sturgeon, you can use other shades of gray, black, and white to achieve a space that is visually dramatic. You can also incorporate emerald green and navy blue elements for the same effect. The color caviar varies depending on who you're talking to. Know which shade you're getting before planning the rest of your décor.


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